Sunday, May 3, 2009

Today's food industry at stake!

Assalamu alaikum wr wb ,
every muslim prefers a decent job these days ,say an enginner,a doctor , PhD, MBA n so on ....if each and every muslim wants to be in any one of the above field who will feed the muslims? .its the agriculture field which is poorly noticed these days .
Much of the chemicals used these days by the existing farmers in india are sumthing very strong .one of the university professors whom i consult for my field said ' the mildest dose is the roger .In kerala in an almond planatation 15 ladies used it to spray on the trees . and majority of them were later reported for breast cancer .sumfault with than tparticular batch might ve occured ....."
"Ignorance is a bliss " is wht stands here . every fruit and vegetable carries such harmful particles along its peel or anywhere onthe surface if its a given chemiacl spray . when such fruits and vegetabels are consumed, the chemicals get in to the human and cause an irrevocable health disorder ,say cancer or any syndrome .
A simle way to remove the traces is to put the vegetable or fruit in a bowl of water with a little salt added for a while and then wash well in running water .
These days swines are grown in some indian farms . they fetch them a great income .these farmers export the meat to foreign countries and use the wastes of such animals as manures in their own garden for their fruits and vegetables .so guess the status of such crops ....
another major thing is the fishing thing. the ponds and ssome dam sare takne on lease for a handsome amount .so the leasee just uses mean ways to take back his money .some just beat a dog to death and chop in to pieces and are thrown in the dams .the next time when u see a 4 kg catfish ,just remember this ...same cat fish if grown wud ve a normal weight under 2 kg or so .
they use the same techinque using a swine too .they just kill it , chop it nad throw in to water ,fishes feed onthem an dgain a good weight .
besides this there are issues of haraam E-codes in packed food items .use of aginomoto is also doubtful . so thing is not in manintaing a clean kitchen and using antibacterial dish wash bars and cleansers alone , but in watching our food and its supplier too.more muslim youngsters should come up in this field,insha allah, to provide the muslim ummah with trustworthy foods i.e, halal foods.
between every household can ve a small kitchen garden .families in an area can subdivive among themselves and each group can grow particular vegetables and share with one another .this way the kids would also get engaged in an useful way ratherthan on video games and tv .when they involve in such things ,it helpsthem in improving concentration and the little green gardens is a great place to learn many things . the flowers , the buds , and the ripe fruits ,the uniqueness of each on eof them teaches them simple yet great lessons ..
May allah guide us in the right path ,insha allah